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Mobile PhonesSamsung

Samsung Galaxy S4 smart pause not working Solution

Samsung smart pause not working solution

I bought Samsung Galaxy S4 2 I9500 days ago. I tried smart pause feature but it wasn’t seem to be working. I have tried different things but failed to make it work. I tried to disable all other gesture but it doesn’t work. Samsung says day it doesn’t work well with air gesture turned on. I turned air gesture off but still it wasn’t working. I turned all other gesture off too that is smart stay, smart rotation and smart scroll but it wasn’t working.

Then i moved to my washroom, turned the bright tube light on. Then i played the video from gallery and i was surprised to see that smart pause was now working. I looked the screen, turned the phone away from me and video paused. That was awesome. After that i came to room light and it wasn’t working again. So i found the solution of Samsung smart pause not working issue.

the i again went to the bright light area and it was working. Then i one by one turned on other gestures. smart eye, smart scroll and smart rotation all don’t interfere with smart pause. So those who says that smart stay interfere with smart pause are simply wrong according to my point experience and point of view.


Try this on your mobile phone and share your views below and tell use yours solutions to make Smart pause work. 


  1. Thanx man it there no way to make it work in normal light conditions??

    1. well, I don't know about this. May be in future software updates this feature will work better.


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